Talk360 International Calling App is predominantly used by people who need to connect to someone abroad who has no internet connection. But did you know that it can be a lifesaver too? In this blog about my latest trip to Vietnam, let me tell you how Talk360 saved me.
Nice to meet you
My name is Thijs, I’ve been working at Talk360 for about three years in the online marketing team in the Netherlands. Today, I would like to tell you about my holiday to Vietnam.
Let’s dive in
Last month, Oct. 2022, I went to Asia for the first time in my life. Together with my Talk360 colleague Shaurya, Talk360 India Director, we decided to go to Vietnam and what an amazing decision that turned out to have been. The people, the food and the landscapes are all beyond amazing!
We travelled mostly in the North of Vietnam to a couple of different cities and places, but also made a short trip to Hoi An, a city on Vietnam’s central coast. The reason it was only a short trip? Everything was flooded! Therefore, we decided to go back north quickly.
At the start of my journey, I had to drive from the Netherlands to Germany to catch my flight. I pre-booked a parking place for my car online and was given a QR-code to enter the parking place at the airport in Germany.
Unfortunately, when I arrived at the parking place at the airport my QR-Code did not work! After trying to scan my QR-code several times in multiple angles, I decided to click the ‘Hilfe’ (help) button on the machine, yet nothing happened.
I walked around the machine and found a little piece of paper saying that the help button did not work. The piece of paper included a number one should call if I help is needed. However, that meant I would have to make an expensive international call for more than €0.23 per minute!
Luckily, I did have an internet connection and the Talk360 app on my phone. Using the Talk360 app, I was able to call the support number for only €0.06/minute instead (that’s almost 4 times less). I was on the phone for a couple of minutes as I had to make clear that I already had a booking for the parking spot, so that saved my money for a call to Germany.

At this stressful situation where I was afraid of missing my flight, it came in handy to already have the Talk360 app on my phone in such a case of emergency. It definitely helped!
But it wasn’t only in this situation where Talk360 was able to make the best of a bad situation. In Vietnam, we stood for a similar situation. When we arrived in Vietnam, we decided to buy local sim-cards, with which we couldn’t send a text message or make a call, but we did get data only.
We had travelled to Ha Long in the upper east of Vietnam. My friend and Talk360 colleague, Shaurya, tried to get money from an ATM. The ATM said that the transaction was successful, but he didn’t receive any money!
He couldn’t use WhatsApp to call his bank, but luckily, he had Talk360 installed on his phone too. By using Talk360, he was able to save more than 40% of the total cost of the call to India! (10Rs/minute with BDSL vs. 6Rs/minute with Talk360.)
Moral of the story? Often too many times, we assume that calling online numbers is always possible for free. However, the moment we step out of our home country, that is not the case anymore. The cost of international roaming is still excessive in 2022. That’s why Talk360 is the smartest travel companion, which cuts costs tremendously and allows calling any mobile or landline phone number in the world. The best part? Your caller ID does not change when calling. Whomever you call, can call you back to the same phone number.